It's the most-performed song in Metallica's live set and in 2022, it's going viral across Spotify and Apple Music. It's no surprise, then, that the thrash legends decided to pull out "Master of Puppets" as their latest live video; check it out below.

Watch Metallica Perform "Master of Puppets" Live in Prague

The performance comes from Metallica's recent set at Prague Rocks in Czechia, on June 22, and like all of their European tour stops, the song closed out the night. For fans who want to check out the entire performance from the festival, you can download and stream it at and

To date, "Master of Puppets" has been performed 1,684 times, making it the most popular 'Tallica tune onstage. It made its debut on New Year's Eve 1985 at the Civic Center in San Francisco. Sharing the stage with Metallica that night were Exodus, Megadeth and Metal Church; "Master of Puppets" was the fourth song in the set.

Extra Credit: Download Metallica's Rock Werchter Concert

As they've been doing all year, Metallica aren't just sharing pro-shot live videos from their concerts, but they're releasing the audio recordings of every single show in full, too. The most recent addition to the archive is their gig in Werchter, Belgium, at the Rock Werchter festival. The setlist for the night looked pretty similar to their previous gigs, but for the Metallica completist, you can download and stream the entire performance at and via

Metallica have two shows left in Europe before heading back to the states for Lollapalooza and two stadium shows. You can grab their full tour schedule here.

10 Facts About Metallica's 'Master of Puppets' Only Superfans Would Know

In so many ways, Metallica would never be the same after Master of Puppets hit the streets on March 3, 1986.

Because fans already know a lot about the record—like how the title for "Leper Messiah" was inspired by lyrics to David Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust" or that "The Thing That Should Not Be" has roots in H.P. Lovecraft's writings—we decided to dig deep into the history of Master of Puppets to pull out 10 facts that only superfans would know.

Metallica Fans Share Some of Their Favorite Lyrics

We asked you, the Metallica Family, what your favorite lyrics from the thrash legends are—and you answered. Though we aren't sharing every single response here, we've picked some of our favorites. In the gallery below, you'll see the lyrics, the song name and even the social media handle of each Metallica fan. What's your favorite lyric or line from a 'Tallica tune? Which one did we totally miss? Send us a message in our app and let us know.

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