"The Unnamed Feeling" is the third single released from 2003's St. Anger and the second Metallica music video directed by The Malloys, the team of brothers Emmett and Brendan. The video was filmed in Los Angeles and made its debut on Dec. 3, 2003.

Watch Metallica's Official Music Video For "The Unnamed Feeling"

The video follows several different people who are all going through something very personal, visually depicting different feelings including stress, anxiety, depression, denial and paranoia. Included throughout the video is Metallica performing the song in a ragged room.

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Metallica first played "The Unnamed Feeling" at a U.S. concert on March 8, 2004, at the Cow Palace venue in San Francisco.

Watch Metallica Perform "The Unnamed Feeling" Live in Sacramento

Metallica: A Photo Timeline of Their Remarkable Career

10 Things We Learned About Metallica from 'Some Kind of Monster'

Metallica: Some Kind of Monster made its debut Jan. 24, 2004, at the Sundance Film Festival. Today, it holds an impressive 89 percent rating with critics 83 percent rating with fans on Rotten Tomatoes. The documentary puts Metallica in a never-before-seen light as the band members opened themselves up in incredibly vulnerable ways. With each viewing, there are still new things fans—hardcore and new fans alike—can learn about one of the biggest bands in the history of rock 'n' roll.

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