The Highest Selling Album by 16 Big Metal BandsThe Highest Selling Album by 16 Big Metal BandsHere are the highest selling albums from some of the biggest metal acts including Metallica, Korn, Megadeth, Tool and others. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
13 New Rock + Metal Tours Announced This Past Week13 New Rock + Metal Tours Announced This Past WeekAre Metallica on your concert checklist? Will you be picking up Deftones tickets? Is a Maynard celebration in your future? See the newly announced tours.Chad ChildersChad Childers
10 Metal Bands Whose Third Album Is Their Best10 Metal Bands Whose Third Album Is Their BestAs the saying goes, the third time's the charm!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Jacoby Shaddix Names Three Bands Who Are 'The Next Metallicas'Jacoby Shaddix Names Three Bands Who Are 'The Next Metallicas'Do you agree?Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
10 '80s Metal Bands That Thrived in the '90s Despite Grunge10 '80s Metal Bands That Thrived in the '90s Despite GrungeWho said Seattle killed metal?Philip TrappPhilip Trapp