‘Time Marches On': Watch Metallica Play ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ in São Paulo
There aren't many bass riffs more iconic or recognizable than what Cliff Burton recorded for Ride the Lightning's "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Over the years, of course, the responsibility of that riff would be taken over by Jason Newsted and then Robert Trujillo, but regardless of who's plucking the strings, there is absolutely no denying the power and ferocity that envelops fans when the song kicks off.
This is obvious in Metallica's recent performance of the song in São Paulo, Brazil, on May 10, 2022, as tens of thousands of fans scream in approval of the song. You can check out the brand-new live video below.
Watch Metallica Perform "For Whom the Bell Tolls" in São Paulo
As legend has it, Burton wrote that intro riff long before he ever joined Metallica. In fact, his first performance of it was during a battle of the bands contest with the first band he was ever in, Agents of Misfortune.
In fact, you can watch that battle of the bands performance below; Burton's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" riff starts around the 9:51 mark.
Over the last few decades, the song has become a staple in Metallica's live sets; the performance in São Paulo was the 1,513th time the band played it onstage. The first time "For Whom the Bell Tolls" saw the light of the stage was in New York City at the legendary Megaforce Records showcase put together by Marsha and Jonny Zazula; Anthrax and Raven were part of the show and it all went down on Aug. 3, 1984, at the Roseland Ballroom, just one week after Ride the Lightning hit the streets.